

Mech God Seven

Jiro Hattori of the mysterious Japanes More

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Actor:Peng Yuyan,Li Cansen,Zhang Wan'er,Zhu Jiaxi
Director:Cui Junjie
Update time:2024-06-30
Jiro Hattori of the mysterious Japanese organization "Yakuchi Orochi" engaged in a fierce battle with Xiaoyu, who came to search for his girlfriend Lele, in order to collect various data on Xiaoyu's cheat "biological mech" Xiaoqi. During the fight, XiaoyuYu's' Ice based Superpower 'brings back memories of the past to Jiro Hattori. Originally, Jiro Hattori was the godson of the chief leader of the Yagi Orochi, Mizo Hattori. His original name was Daewoo, and this Xiaoyu was Jiro HattoriLang's younger brother. Xiaoyu was born with a rare disease where her body temperature was seven degrees lower than that of a normal person. As she grew older, her temperature continued to drop, and when she was emotionally agitated, her temperature dropped sharply, even freezing waterStay. Later, the mysterious Chinese organization 'Dragon Group' found Xiaoyu and designed the mech 'Xiaoqi' to maintain his body temperature After the First World War, the headquarters of Baqi Snake officially joined China's' Dragon Group 'and became aNamed 'Mech Agent'.

